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  5. Getting started: how can I create employee groups
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  5. Getting started: how can I create employee groups
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  4. Getting started: how can I create employee groups

Getting started: how can I create employee groups

Grouping employees had several benefits: it allows you to automatically identify the weakest link, to set-up targeted phishing campaigns, to follow-up the eLearning in an efficient way, …

Employee Groups

  1. Click Configuration > User Management > Employee Groups.
  2. Click ‘Add Group’.
  3. RESPONSUM allows you to create two types of groups: Static and Smart.

Static Groups

  1. Click ‘Static’.
  2. Provide a name for the group.
  3. Click ‘Save’.
  4. Go to Configuration > Employees
  5. Select the employees you want to add to the static group.
  6. Click ‘Add Selected Employee’s to a group’.
  7. Select the group in the ‘group list’.
  8. Click ‘Save’
  9. To remove employees from the group, go to Configuration > Employees Groups.
  10. Click on a group
  11. Click on the bin next to the employee you want to remove from the group.

Smart Groups

  1. Click ‘Smart’.
  2. Provide a name for the group.
  3. Add a parameter(s) to the group to create a constraint(s).
  4. The following parameters are available:
    • Course: the employee is or is not enrolled in a certain course.
    • Course grade: the employee his/her grade on a certain course is equal to, not equal to, less than, less than and equal to, more than, more than and equal to.
    • Campaign result: the employee did or did not: open, click, submitted data in a certain campaign.
    • Date Added: employees who are added on a defined date.
  5. Click ‘Save’.
  6. Employees who fall under the defined constraints will automatically be added to the group or removed when they don’t fall under defined constraints anymore.
Updated on March 17, 2022

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