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  5. How to: perform a manual Data Protection Impact Assessment

How to: perform a manual Data Protection Impact Assessment

How To

There are two ways to perform a DPIA in RESPONSUM: ‘manual’ and ‘guided’. The manual approach will help you to centralize DPIA’s you have already documented. The guided approach will guide you through all the steps of a DPIA.

  1. Go > Privacy Management > Data Protection by Design > Data Protection Impact Assessment
  2. Click ‘Add new DPIA’.
  3. Select ‘Manual’
  4. Provide a name by filling out the ‘Project Name’ field.
  5. Provide a description by filling out the ‘Description’ field.
  6. Select the creation date, by selecting a date in the box.
  7. Link the Related Target of Evaluations, by selecting it in the list.
  8. Provide a Version and summary in the applicable field.
  9. Upload the DPIA file into RESPONSUM by clicking on browse file or dropping the file into the field.
Updated on March 18, 2021

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