How to: add an identified risk

How To

You are able to create identified risks within the risk register, as well as during risk assessments such as a TIA or DPIA.

Add an identified risk – to the risk register


  • Go to Risk Management > Risk Register
  • Click “+ Add identified risk”
  • Fill in the risk name
  • Select a general risk from the risk dictionary or create a new one by clicking on the plus sign.
  • Select the probability and impact level
  • Add a linked item if applicable
  • Add the risk source. What is the origin of the risk? Human, natural,…
  • Is there a responsible user or a responsible external person? In case of a user, select a user from the drop-down menu. In case of an external person, write down his/her name.
  • Click “Save as Draft”
  • Click on the right-pointing arrow to go to the next page


  • A threat is defined as a potential source of harm or adverse impact to a system, asset, or individual. Threats can be natural, accidental, or deliberate in origin, and can take many forms, such as cyber attacks, fires, earthquakes, or human error.
  • Click “+ Add a threat”
  • Enter a name and description
  • A vulnerability is a weakness or gap in a system’s defenses that can be exploited by a threat to cause harm. For example, a vulnerability in a computer system could be a software bug or an unpatched security hole, which a cyber attacker could use to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Click “+ Add a vulnerability”
  • Enter a name and description


  • Select how you want to deal with the risk. If your risk-handling method is not in the list, click on the “+” sign to create a new one.
  • Describe the method
  • Select one or more controls and/or measures that you want to apply to handle the risk. If you want to add a new one, click on the “+” sign, select a measure or sub-control, and fill in the form.
  • Select the residual risk after the implementation of your handling methods.
  • Click “save as draft” or “submit”
  • You have now added a new risk to the risk register!

Manage risk linked to a risk assessment (TIA/DPIA)

Whether you perform a TIA or DPIA, you always follow the same steps:


You start with identifying a general risk followed by specifying/assessing it for the case that you are working on. See article “How to: add a (general) risk”


Then you assess the general risk for this specific case:

  1. Impact for the data subject
    • Click “Identify consequences” for each risk
    • A list divided into three topics will appear: select ‘Material’, ‘Physical’ and/or ‘Moral’ consequence(s), by ticking the box
    • Click ‘Save’
    • Click on the right-pointing arrow the continue
  2. Probability that the risk will occur
    • Select for each consequence a probability score
    • Click on the right-pointing arrow the continue
  3. Risk Calculation (Calculated)
    • You will receive a calculated risk level for each consequence
    • Click ‘Next’
  4. Risk calculation (manual alternations)
    • Alter the risk level manually if justifiable
    • Fill out the justification field for each alteration
    • Click ‘Next’


  1. Exceptions and potential obligations
    • Select the risk handling method from the ‘Risk handling’ list or click the “+” sign in case you want to add a new handling method.
    • Provide an explanation and description of the chosen method
    • Add measures to accomplish the method, by clicking on ‘view or edit measure’. Create the measure by filling out the name or selecting it from the drop-down menu, link the related IM System, appoint it to a specific RESPONSUM user and specify a deadline, by selecting a date in the box
    • Click ‘add’
  2. Exceptions and potential obligations
    • This is an overview of your risks, handling methods, and the links measures


  1. Select what risk is still left after the implementation of the measures to prevent the risk from happening.
  2. Click “save as draft” or “submit”
Updated on November 22, 2023

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