How to: add agreements

  1. Go Stakeholder Management > Agreements.

New agreement

  1. Click ‘Add new agreement’.
  2. Select the applicable stakeholder from the ‘Stakeholder’ list.
  3. Click ‘Ok’.

Agreement Details

  1. Provide an agreement name, by filling out the ‘Agreement name’ field.
  2. Select the role of the external stakeholder in the processing activity from the list.
  3. Select the linked IM Systems from the ‘IM Systems’ list.
  4. Create a review interval by entering a review interval number and selecting a review interval period (day/week/month/ day(s)/week(s)/month(s)).


  1. Provide a version name, by filling out the ‘Version name’ field.
  2. Select the status from the ’Status’ list.
  3. Select the used template from the list if an internal template is used.
  4. Select the user who created the agreement from the ’Creator’ list.
  5. If applicable the agreement can be shared for feedback to another user.
  6. Change notes can be added in the free text field.
  7. Upload more information into RESPONSUM by clicking on browse file or dropping the file into the field.
  8. Click ‘Save agreement’.
Updated on March 17, 2022

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