At RESPONSUM we think collaboration is key! Therefore, RESPONSUM enables collaboration via Tasks. Task Management plays a central role to collaborate and delegate actions on certain items within RESPONSUM. You can create tasks for specific items and manage multiple tasks in the Task Management Module.
Task details
Regardless of where you create a task in RESPONSUM, you can fill in the following information:
- Title: enter a task name in the Title field.
- Description: enter a description in the Description field.
- Assigned to: select the user who the task is assigned to in the Select a User field.
- Priority: select wether the task is Low, Medium or High Priority.
- Deadline date: select the date the task is due.
- Reference: create, if applicable, a reference to a URL.
- Associate with related items: search and select one or more items to associate with the task, by clicking on the Add an item button.
Create tasks
You can initiate tasks in RESPONSUM from three places, including the Task Management Module on the home page, the add task button in the top-menu, or on an item.
Create tasks in the Task Management Module
To create a task from the Task Management Module:
- Navigate to the Home page > Tasks.
- In the upper right, click Add Task.
- In the pop-up panel, enter the details for your task.
- Click Ok to create the currents task.
Create tasks from the top-menu
To create a task from the top-menu:
- Click on the “+task” icon in the top-menu, from wherever you are in RESPONSUM.
- In the pop-up panel, enter the details for your task.
- Click Ok to create the currents task.
Create tasks from on the level of an item
To create a task on an item:
- Click on the “+task” icon in the right sidebar, when you are on an item in RESPONSUM.
- In the pop-up panel, enter the details for your task.
- Click Ok to create the currents task.