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Getting started with the asset register

The Security Asset Register module in RESPONSUM, allows you to create and manage a central list of all your security assets, providing a comprehensive view of your assets.

See It in Action

Pre-requisites to Get Started

Before diving into the Security Asset Register, ensure you have the following in place:

  1. User Access: Confirm that you have the necessary permissions to access and modify the Security Asset Register module in RESPONSUM. If you need additional access, reach out to your system administrator.

Fast-track to Brilliance

If you’re eager to start building your Security Asset Register, follow these quick steps:

  1. Access the Security Asset Register Module: Navigate to the module Security > Asset Register from the main menu in RESPONSUM.
  2. Create a New Asset Entry: Click on “Create” to start entering details about your security assets. Provide essential information such as the asset name, owner type, and classification level.
  3. Assign Ownership and Responsibilities: Designate an owner internal or external for each asset, ensuring that someone is accountable for its management and security.
  4. Review and Save: Once you’ve entered all the details, review the asset information and save the entry. Repeat the process for all assets in your organization.

Step-by-Step Guidance

For those who prefer a more detailed approach, here’s a step-by-step guide to using the Security Asset Register:

1. Accessing the Security Asset Register Module

  • Log in to RESPONSUM and navigate to Security > Security Asset Register module from the main menu.

2. Creating a New Asset Entry

  • Add New Asset: Click on the “Create” button to begin the registration process.
  • Enter Basic Information: Fill in the asset’s name and description.

3. Assign owner

  • Add Owner information: Determine if the owner is internal or external, select the user or add the contact details.

4. Add classification level

  • Asset classification: Add the approved classification level by clicking on the list and selecting the level.

5. Document Asset Dependencies

  • Document any dependencies between assets, such as a software application that relies on specific hardware.

If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact our support team support@responsum.eu

Updated on August 14, 2024

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